

….Deep Breath…

Hello, well here we are. A blog….born from the need for change (gosh that sounds a bit cliche these days, but dang it’s true!).

I guess a great place to start is to tell you who I am. My name is Lauren (1 of 23408234092384 born in the 80’s ha!). I am a wife, a mother, a teacher, a gardener, a sewer, a crafter, a foodie, a dancer, a music lover, a traveler, a_______ (fill in the blank). I struggle with describing who I am and what I love…because I love SO many things. Seriously, I don’t know how people pick ONE or even two things to focus on. I think that is why I have draaaaggged my feet when starting this blog. Everyone seems so….specialized…. 

I read somewhere, pick something you are good at and do that…well, I am pretty good at a lot of things, but absolutely don’t consider myself an expert at anything. If I had to tree map this out (teacher reference, sorry)…the top of the tree would be DIY. I am in a constant state of, “hmm, can I do that myself?”

Okay, so what is this blog “about”? Well, I think the answer to that question is going to be in flux for a while. In its current state, I am going to pretty much brain dump, journal some of my “creative” ideas and see what sticks. One thing I tend to do is over research things…and I read many times “don’t throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks”. That was troublesome for me. I am definitely a try EVERYthing and see what comes out the best at the end kind of gal. My first “public” instagram account was very much this. I started it with the name “CraftingSTEM” as a focus on my craft ideas and STEM teaching….somehow it has evolved into a photo journal of my garden …not one picture of my crafts or teaching resources(insert shrugging emoji here). I guess you could now take the name to mean crafting plant stems! 

So here we are, another blog on the internet. My blog. I finally got the courage to start today…Day 13 of quarantine with my family. Yes, yes, TWO years of avoiding the “rona”…Here we are. My oldest who is unfortunately too young to be vaccinated, was first, so we locked down as a family. We are almost through it and all I am going to say is this.is.not.fun. Our cases are fairly mild from everything I have read, so my deepest prayers go out to ALL who are dealing with this darn thing.

When life turns upside down, roll with it and see whats on the other side! I was perfectly happy with my teaching career and trotting along…then all of the sudden, it was like I wasn’t (Hello 2020). So weird! So, I opened an Etsy Shop (more on that later), started gardening more, planned a remodel (lots of posts coming on that one) and started this blog.

And with that, my oldest is coming home from preschool, so until next time!



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I’m Lauren

Welcome to Ribbons and Scraps, my cozy corner of the internet dedicated to all things homemade and homeschool. Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of creativity, growth and learning.

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