The Mini Snackle Box

Okay, I have to admit, I did not come up with this idea on my own…but the amazing internet provides amazing ideas. About 6 months into staying at home during “the closure”, I became completely stir crazy and we decided to get out of town for a weekend at a vacation home. It was kind of a disaster. I was completely out of practice! And now I had 2 kids! When Caley was a baby, we became experts at taking her out. The bag had all of the appropriate entertainment…coloring supplies, rattle toys, small containers of blueberries or frozen peas. So naturally, I reverted back to this old practice and took exactly two small containers of blueberries as snack for the car and a few bags of other snacks such as Goldfish that I planned on just refilling those small containers with. My youngest wasn’t really eating solid foods yet and this type of snack totally sufficed before right?

Wrong…I now had a 3 year old who wanted more and more importantly, wanted variety! She would blast through the small container of snack and want more or something else. Needless to say I needed a solution.

While scrolling social media one night, another mom posted this idea of the snackle box…she shared a simple bead box filled with a variety of snacks…GENIUS! Well, me being me, I had to bust out my Circut and decorate! It came out SO cute right?

Caley’s First Snackle Box

She fell IN LOVE. This has become a special vacation only item…but she now totally expects it when it is vacation time. I also love going and finding fun snacks that are special to fill it with. Her snackle box is pretty big and tends to last a few days. Things I have put in the box:

  • Dried Fruits (Strawberries, Apples, Mangos, bananas)
  • Nuts
  • Pretzels (Rods and Peanut butter Filled)
  • Raisins
  • Goldfish
  • Cereal
  • Graham Crackers
  • Golden Graham Bears
  • Baby Snacks…still a total hit (Dried yogurt bites, Puffs)
  • A Sweet Treat (Usually a Single Oreo or something similar)

Then of course I had to make them for her friends on our next trip with them…The kids were thrilled. We just bought ourselves an extra 30 minutes at the table 😉

Then the Mini…

My youngest was finally getting old enough to get in on this game, so I ordered some more boxes….but whoops! They were mini!! Oh no….there was no time to get another before we left town.

So I went with it… put her name on it and figured that I would make her a big one later and justify it by her just being the younger one (gosh I don’t like doing that). BUT…it was perfect!! Cora could manipulate it all by herself and carry her snackle box with minimal spills…win!

We have seriously enjoyed the snackle box! I want to make some for my husband and me!

If you’re feeling crafty I encourage you to make one! If you’re not up for it you know I listed it on my Etsy Shop 🙂

How will you fill your snackle box? Let me know!



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I’m Lauren

Welcome to Ribbons and Scraps, my cozy corner of the internet dedicated to all things homemade and homeschool. Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of creativity, growth and learning.

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