When your garden gives you lemons and lavender….
Lavender Sugar
First, my love for lavender…

I have kind of become a bit obsessed with lavender. If my husband was up for it, I would probably have 6 more lavender plants (I already have 4). Lavender is one of those scents that just speaks to my soul. Now, I am definitely referring to fresh lavender…some of the “essential oils” or candles you can get are too synthetic and don’t have the same effect, and I actually find give me a headache, bummer. I fell in love with the plant a few years ago on a family trip to Northern California. I was pregnant with my first (maybe that is the connection/ nostalgia) and the little house we were staying at had several mature French Lavender plants out in the front yard. I was able to take a small bouquet home and LOVED the way it fit into my decor so naturally. I then of course became hyper aware of the plant and wanted some at home! Finding fresh lavender in the store here at home is actually quite challenging. Which is funny to me since it grows so well in my area. So the solution… I grow my own 🙂

Caley Picking a Lavender Bouquet
And then there’s the lemons…

I also have an ever persistent challenge of using up our lemons. We have a super producer in our front yard. We love this lemon tree so much we have actually designed our remodel in a way that will save it. The lemons are so juicy with the thinnest skin. Product of a very mature, happily located lemon tree. We absolutely cannot lose this one! I mean… look how many lemons we got this round! I have been trying to come up with a ton of fun ideas for those too! (Read Soon: Lemons!)

In my search of all ideas lemon, I came across a recipe for Lavender lemonade. Yes! I get to use my favorite flower AND use up some of these lemons. I always get a bit nervous about floral flavors…I find it can sometimes taste like you are eating soap. But, I figured I wouldn’t know until I tried it. We have plenty of lemons and plenty of lavender so whats to lose?

Turns out, the lemon and lavender are perfect! You get more of the smell of the lavender and taste of the lemon. Another bonus…my kids LOVE it! They love helping me make it now too (see my video below)

Recipe Notes/ Tips

This recipe serves as a great base. I have definitely adjusted based on the tartness of the lemons used and audience (I.e. a little sweeter for the kiddos).

First, the sugar/ water ratio. I would keep this at 1 to 2…basically however much sugar you put in, you need double the boiling water for the first step.

I like a bit more of the lemon flavor, so I have increased the lemon juice by 1/2 cup from the original recipe (which calls for 1 1/2 cups lemon).

The finishing touches…I always serve over ice and love to garnish with a fresh lemon slice and lavender flower if I am feeling fancy 🙂

Lavender Lemonade

  • Servings: 4-6
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
  • Print

A fun fresh floral spin on Lemonade.

Inspiration for Recipe Credit: simplyrecipes.com


  • Handful (Roughly 6-8 stems) of Freshly Picked Lavender Flowers (Or 1 tablespoon of dried)
  • 1 Cup of White Sugar
  • 2 Cups Boiling Water
  • 2 Cups Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 2 to 3 Cups (Cold) Water


  1. In a medium bowl, toss together the lavender and sugar. Use your hand to scrunch or press the lavender in with the sugar. This will bruise the lavender adding more flavor.
  2. Pour the 2 cups of boiling water over the lavender sugar mixture and stir. Let sit for at least 30 minutes, ideally an hour (the longer the soak, the stronger the flavor)
  3. Strain the Lavender sugar into a pitcher. Add the lemon juice and cold water. This part is to taste. Start with 2 cups of water and add until desired flavor is achieved (Less water = More Intense Flavor/ Sweeter)
  4. Stir, pour over ice and enjoy!

One response to “Lavender Lemonade”

  1. 6 Ways to Use Lemons (That are not baked goods) – Ribbons and Scraps Avatar

    […] Another great way to use some lemon is lemonade! A combination of juice, water and sugar…voila! Lemonade. If you want to be fancy, try Lavender Lemonade. […]


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I’m Lauren

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