Birthday Cake with No Oven? Rice Krispies to the Rescue

I am by no means a food blogger….but food definitely dominates a large part of my life. My husband and I pretty much bonded on finding interesting and fun foods to eat. I have always been more of a baker (I like the precision of it) and my husband likes to just cook good food (he hates the precision of baking). We make a pretty good pair if you ask me.

About two months ago our oven broke….nooooooo! This was an immediate problem for me. I started down the youtube rabbit hole researching how to fix it. Yes, it was possible…but I had to literally take out every single screw and take the entire thing apart. Dang it. We are SO close to remodeling (ha…well, close is a relative term I guess) and I did not want to buy a new oven and I absolutely was not taking the darn thing apart while trying to entertain my 1 and 3 year old. So the solution, for now, get creative with non “baked” goods (And go to my mom’s to bake my weekly bread of course).

I have been doing alright so far sticking with stove top treats such pudding and air fryer cookies (this was kind of a visual disaster but tasted alright). But, it is my daughter’s second birthday this week and we were going to the in-laws to celebrate. My mother in-law of course always offers to take care of the cake (which she is fabulous at) but there is something special about Mom making the cake. My mom always made our cakes and I want to make my daughter’s birthday cakes. While thinking about the logistics of going to my mom’s house to make the cake, and bring it back to then take it to my in-laws, I thought about Rice Krispie treats…they use those in all those baking shows right? Why couldn’t I make a cake this way? I have never been a big fan of Rice Krispie Treats, but the kids always seem to love them. My mother in-law makes them fairly often, so I figured most guests at the party would be cool with this substitution.

Now, I cannot do anything simply. I seriously try. Everything always morphs into something WAY bigger than intended. My husband, when we were dating often accused me of “gilding the lily”. What can I say, I like a challenge. Since it is my girl’s birthday, I wanted a cake…so this Rice Krispie cake needed to look like a cake! I definitely saw some fun ideas on my internet search…most included just layering the Rice Krispies with frosting…simple enough. I could do this with chocolate icing to jazz it up I guess. But then, one idea really caught my attention…Neapolitan Rice Krispie Cake. YES! What a fun idea! Not only is it triple layer…there are flavors! I had to try it.

Neapolitan is the combination of Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry in Layers, traditionally in ice cream form. When I was I kid, my mom would buy those giant tubs of the ice cream and my sister and I would strategically scoop only the vanilla and chocolate sections leaving a wall of the strawberry ice cream. Now that I think about it, that wasn’t such a cool move, but I think my mom secretly loved it because strawberry is her favorite. It worked out I guess.

The recipe I found called for flavoring the chocolate layer with chocolate. I didn’t really want to deal with that, so I used Cocoa Pebbles instead and mixed in chocolate chips of course. This layer was SO chocolaty .

Chocolate Layer

Next came the vanilla. I happened to find a pack of marshmallows in the Mexican food aisle of our grocery store that was a mixture of vanilla and strawberry marshmallows. Win! I used the vanilla marshmallows and added a little vanilla extract for the oomph. I layered this one using vanilla icing on top of the chocolate layer. I think next time I would used chocolate icing between these two layers then put the vanilla on top of the vanilla layer.

Last came the strawberry. I used the strawberry marshmallows. I was so happy to find these! I had originally planned on just using some red food dye and then topping the layer with strawberry icing, which in all honesty would probably have been enough…but like I said, I can’t do anything simply. I topped the cake with the strawberry icing.

Voila! Three Layer Rice Krispie Treat Cake! It was pretty darn good!! Super sweet…but good. My father in-law hesitated eating it at first…I don’t totally blame him, this thing was a monster! But then, he gave in and I saw him enjoying the chocolate layer 😉

I am not usually a huge fan of Rice Krispie Treats, but this was too fun. I might have to try this one again…but probably smaller!

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I’m Lauren

Welcome to Ribbons and Scraps, my cozy corner of the internet dedicated to all things homemade and homeschool. Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of creativity, growth and learning.

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